A is for the Angora Goat that grows mohair fleeces
B is for the Buck the pride of the Angora Breed
C is for Character and Classing the Clip
D is for Doe, Angora of course, the core of the herd
E is for Evenness of the flock and the fleeces
F is for Fineness of the Fibre and of the Fleeces
G is for Goat of which the Angora is Greatest
H is for Horns most magnificent and Handle of fleece
I is for Ideal fleece and flock member
J is for Just marketing and merchandise
K is for Kid of which the Angora is prettiest
L is for Lustre, Angora fleeces that glow in the dark
M is for Mohair that makes the Angora goat famous
N is for No kemp as in the best fleeces
O is for Oats to supplement the Angora Goats
P is for Pasture on which the goats browse
Q is for Quality of fleeces both character and style
R is for Resilience, a Requirement of mohair
S is for Silkiness and Style properties of mohair
T is for Textiles made from the best mohair
U is for Understanding the classing of fibre
V is for Vending both the goat and the fleece
W is for Weight an essential part of produce
X is for Xbred for grading up Angora goats
Y is for Yield so important to the future
Z is for Zegna the Count who promotes top fibre.