Great to be doing another issue of this magazine – the information is endless! And it makes it so enjoyable to have so many contributions just arriving in my �inbox� – it also ensures a broader range of topics are covered.
So, if something is bothering or nagging you about the breed, share it with the readers!
Just a small reminder, for countries such as Australia and New Zealand that has a free online results section, I won�t be publishing results by the page in Clumbers, this material can be easily and freely submitted by visiting erinrac.com where everyone can view the full details – no hiding behind a long list of absentees or a midget entry on this scheme, and the dogs are then also, for free, automatically enrolled in Clumbers the magazine�s annual point score. Now, if you can manage to write a few paragraphs and send some photos (in and out of the ring) I will certainly consider running a report within the magazine.
Last issue I placed the collectables magazine Canine Collectables Courier as a purely online venture – no doubt, sometime down the track Clumbers will go that way too. I have to confess, I was merrily preparing the first part of the gromming article in such a format, it was too simple!
For a bit more variety and as so many Clumber owners seem shy of their undoubted skills in preparing fully fledged articles, I am undertaking a series of interviews. We have two established breeders that have commited to this but haven�t completed their interviews as yet, one in Sweden, and one in America. Fortunately the first our �new blood� interviews was very promptly completed and is in this issue. I also prepared the bulk of the grooming series as a composite interview, and more such topics will be explored that way.
Another novel approach, partly to do with making more content available to those who subscribe online (either for the electronic issue or for the printed issue and renew online) I have started to expand my database of quotes. This means, that even our smallest spaces have useful information tacked in. This issue you will find snippets on training, breeding, and showing!
I trust all our readers are only interested in fit and healthy Clumbers – if so I wish you well!
Happy Clumbering
Jan Irving