These books have been developed in house to solve some of our own written record keeping needs. They may be of use to you so we have made them available in various sizes and binding.
Not all print on demand platforms, where we offer these items, can offer the full range of formats, etc, hence, click on each link below for the specific binding you want.
We offer these books as print on demand only, we do not retail directly, but this ensures you have good delivery and return options.
Poultry Journals etc
Task Manager and Planner
- A4 size, coil bound for easy use available from Lulu <———- buy here!
- Designed to give a quick overview and plan of action for tasks big to small.
- Space for extra notes.
- Inspirational quotes on each spread.
- This book makes it so easy to run a number of tasks concurrently with efficiency and without excessive detail.
- The A4 format allows extra notes and reference material to be slipped into the book and filed beside the task plan.

Record your Online Expenses in one simple account!
This is a simple logbook to track spending and expected arrival dates,
for example, If the vendor stores your credit card details tick the ‘credit card stored’
This log makes it easy to
- ensure your goods have arrived (strike out the due date once you have received the goods)
- know when your credit card needs to be recharged (by watching the balance)
- when to recharge your Paypal account if you aren’t using a credit card or bank account to auto-charge it
- is a timely reminder if you are spending too much or too often
- A4 coil bound for super easy use buy from Lulu <——————– buy here