from THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK by Jan Irving (2015)
The Dog Listener
Reader level: Everyone, ‘how to’ to solve many major problems
Review of content/advice: Jan Fennell’s book seems more directed to the average English owner, a person with one or perhaps up to four dogs, that live loose in the house, much the same as most of us have or aspire too. It is a ‘how to’ for a number of fairly typical situations, with the emphasis on you establishing yourself as pack leader. I recall it was an enjoyable and thought provoking read. And I have a fair review of it as part of the article I have included in this book: More Reviews: Mental Health of Your Dog by Jan Irving published Clumbers Magazine March 2005
Do I suggest you buy it? Not essential
Table of Contents:
1 The Lost Language
2 A Life with Dogs
3 Listening and Learning
4 Taking the Lead
5 The First Test
6 Amichien Bonding: Establishing Leadership of the Pack
7 Separate Lives: Dealing with Separation Anxiety
8 Mean and Moody: Dealing with Nervous Aggression
9 Peacemaking: Dogs that Bite
10 The Bodyguards: Overprotective Dogs
11 the Up-and-Down Game: Dogs that Jump Up
12 Non-Total Recall: Dogs that Run Wild Off Leash
13 Dog v Dog: Taking the Heat out of Canine Confrontation
14 Tales of the Unexpected: Fear of Noises
15 New Dogs, Old Tricks: Introducing Puppies to the Home
16 Gremlins: Dealing with Problem Puppies
17 The House on Pooh Corner: Soiling in the Home
18 Situations Vacant: The Problems of Extended Packs
19 Biting the Hand that Feeds: Problem Eaters
20 Have dog, won’t travel: Dealing with car chaos
21 Feet-chewers and Tail-Chasers: Nervous
22 The Yo-Yo Effect: Overcoming the Problems of Rescue Dogs
23 Toys and Trophies: The Power of Play
24 ‘How’ve Ya Done That, Lady?’
Tales from the Dog Listener (review by: Jan Irving 2006-11-03)
OK, now the Dog Listener, Jan Fennell has got the taste for book writing, or her publishers have anyway. However, this, like her earlier titles, is a nice, easy, and pleasant read investigating some of her case histories so revealing insight into her methods in ‘life’. Some stories even featured in the TV series.
Fennell has chosen her stories to reflect salient truths, from Why great owners put themselves in their dogs’ place, through Why great owners know their limits, culminating in Why great owners just want to give their dogs the best. She covers a broad range of owners, from the present to deep in her childhood.
A great book to follow up on her main title THE DOG LISTENER, and a pleasant stroll though many memories reinforcing her techniques. =
Friends for Life by Jan Fennell (review by: Jan Irving 2006-11-01)
Jan Fennell, yes, the lady who wrote The Dog Listener, takes pen to paper again, this time with her life story. This is her third book. As she says, she figured there wasn’t too much to tell, but as she found, and you will too, there is an intriguing story of a girl with a gypsy grandmother, who grew up in post war London but without a close bond to her own mum. The lack of motherly bond saw the development of a kind, thoughtful and animal intrigued lady – the Jan Fennell who was big enough to admit she handled her first family dogs so wrongly that Purdey had to be destroyed.
In true autobiographic style, Fennell appears to bare all, of course I am sure she has retained some privacy and private moments, but here is the story of her childhood, her first and long awaited for dog, her marriage and family life, moving from the edges of London to rural Lincolnshire. Her family, and her marriage break up, the great flood, and then the need to support herself and two children, her newspaper and radio career. A stint with a day centre for people with learning disabilities, and undertaking a higher education. Her volunteer work with a local animal sanctuary, and the serendipitous meeting with Monty Roberts.
Fennell’s writing is crisp and light, so easy to read, and her tales move along at a nice pace, enticing you to read just the next chapter. There isn’t a great deal about training here, that’s in her other books, but this is an insightful and very encouraging story.