—-this scheme ended with competition year 2012—-
As an incentive and bonus to those owners who so actively promote the Clumber Spaniel, Erinrac Enterprises make annual awards particularly for countries which do not have a national breed club, such as Australia and New Zealand. In fact these two countries have been the only regular recipients. CLUMBERS actively supports functions conducted by breed clubs, as such, there is little reason to offer separate awards in those countries with breed clubs.
The overall aim of the CLUMBERS awards is to highlight those dogs which are consistently beating large fields of Clumbers. It is hoped that eventually there will be a demand for such awards in all disciplines of competition. The awards are based on the information that has been sent for publication in CLUMBERS in the defined 12 month period.
These awards are based on show results submitted to CLUMBERS calculated on the number of shows attended in relation to the number of dogs of that gender beaten for “Best Dog”, “Best Bitch” or equivalent breed awards (eg challenges). Baby Puppies (up to 6 months of age) are excluded, except in the Puppy award. The following point score and averaging system is used:
1 point for winning with NO competition
1 point for winning against 1 competitor
2 points for winning against 2 competitors
3 points 3 competitors
4 points 4 competitors
and so on
- One point is issued in the first two instances in case the dog beaten is of obvious inferior quality and is regularly taken out as company and to boost breed numbers. The aim of these awards is to encourage a substantial increase in the number of Clumbers competing, not to make it easy for a wily exhibitor to distort the awards.
- At then end of the 12 month period nominated, the scores of each dog which has featured in the results section are totalled and divided by the number of shows attended to give the final score.
- An owner need not be a subscriber to participate.
- It is considered the responsibility of the owner of the Best of Breed winner to submit the results from any one show – and remember to submit every Clumber’s name and placing for each event!
- Those dogs awarded the reserve award at shows with FOUR OR MORE of a gender competing shall have half of the above scores credited to their totals. For example, if a bitch was awarded the reserve CC at a showing of four eligible competitors, while the CC winner would be allotted 3 points, the reserve would still claim 1 point (ie 2 divided by 2 as she beats 2 dogs to claim reserve CC and the figure is “halved”. [adopted 1.1.933]
- Only dogs which have competed at SIX shows in the 12 month period will be included in the awards. The awards aim to encourage an increase in breed entries and an increase in the number of shows at which the breed is represented. The only exception will be in the case of the death of the dog in which case if the dog attended only one show then the final total for that dog will be divided by 2 to give its final score [adopted 1.1.93]
- Dogs are listed in descending order based on their final score. The highest scoring dog of each gender of each area is awarded the award/ (For Australasia, the areas are based on the two islands of New Zealand, and the state and territories of Australia; together with awards for the highest scoring animals in Australia, New Zealand, and Australasia.)
- In the case of equal scores, the dogs may be separated on the following basis:a) the dog which has beaten more dogs will win
b) the dog which has won at more of its shows - The show total entry must be stated for ALL group/show awards, otherwise the show will be rated on the minimum possible score [adopted 1.1.94]
- The show category or type must be specified for every show inclusing where the group/show awards have been won [adopted 1.1.94]
- Shows must be nominated in the correct form and sent to the nominated ‘steward’ within 12 weeks of the event [adopted 1.1.2000]
- Award year runs 1st November to 31st October [adopted for 2003 +]
Awards are also available for competition in field, obedience, agility, etc. As competition is at an interbreed level, awards may still be made to those competing even if no actual prize was awarded to the representative at the trial/s. The purpose of these awards is to encourage the Clumber Spaniel to be at least represented in these alternative areas of competition.
These awards count towards the breeder, sire, and dam awards.
This award is based on the number of CLUMBERS awards won by Clumbers bred by a kennel.
One point for each eligible award won.
Note if the score is equal, then the following is the order of merit
a) the breeder with the great number of dogs featured
b) the breeder of the dog with the highest score
John Bell has donated a perpetual trophy for the Clumber with the Highest Final Score, this trophy supercedes the original ten year trophy donated by Erinrac Enterprises. Normally, this award does not count towards the breeder, sire or dam awards, it may do so in the case of tied results. The winner of this award is entitled to a front cover feature if the owner supplies appropriate material.
These two awards are based on the number of awards their respective progeny (awards rather than progeny) have claimed.
One point for each offspring with an eligible award.
Note if the scores are equal, the selection criteria is
a) the parent with the great number featured
b) if still equal, the parent of the dog with the highest score
The Frastan Like Ike (impUK) Perpetual Trophy is offered by John Bell for Australasian Sire. The EngShCh Raycroft Society Girl (impUK) Perpetual Trophy is offered by Grashez Clumbers for Australasian Dam.
Australasian Sire and Dam awards do count towards the Breeder awards
This is an Australasian wide award, scored independently from the Australasian Show Awards. The following table indicates the scoring system, where the degree of the award is considered together with the actual entry of all breeds at the show.
The Ambassador is the highest scoring Clumber, this award counts towards the breeder, sire, and dam awards.
A Clumber is awarded the title of Envoy if its score is greater than 15 points. The Envoy awards do not count towards the breeder, sire or dam awards.
Note, scores are accumulated. For example Best in Show at a 1000+ All Breeds Championship Show: Best in Group 5, Class in Group 3, Best in Show 5, Class in Show 2 = 15 points.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
Best in Show | 5 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 1.5 | 4 | 3 |
Runner Up Best in Show | 4 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1.5 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Class in Show | 2 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 0.5 | 2 | 1 |
Best in Group | 5 | 4 | 3 | – | – | 2 | 1.5 | – | 0.5 |
Runner Up Best in Group | 4 | 3 | 2 | – | – | 1.5 | 1 | – | 0.5 |
Class in Group | 3 | 2 | 1 | – | – | 1 | 0.5 | – | 0.5 |
Sweepstakes, etc 50+ entries 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.5 | – | – | – | – | – |
4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | – | – | – | – | – | – |
A | all breeds championship 1000+ entries |
B | all breeds championship less than 1000 but more than 500 entries |
C | all breeds championship less than 500 entries if the entry number is not provided then this is the assumed entry for the championship show |
D | gundog championship 200+ entries |
E | gundog championship less than 200 entries |
F | non-championship all breeds 500+ entries |
G | non-championship all breeds less than 500 entries |
H | gundog non-championship or part gundog championship |
I | part gundog non-championship, all breeds match, etc |
In the case of a tie, then the dog who has been more consistent at claiming the interbreed awards shall take precedence. If a tie persists, then the dog who has more championship awards to its credit shall be the Ambassador.
The Ch Shonaway Duke o Monmouth Perpetual Trophy was instigated by Klumberland Kennels, the trophy is now sponsored by Erinrac Enterprises and is for the Australasian Ambassador.
The table for Ambassador and Envoy Point Score is also used for this award, together with the one below for intrabreed competition where THREE or more puppies of the one gender or for Puppy Class of Breed [adopted 1.1.93] compete together at a show
3 competitors 3 points
4 competitors 4 points
5 competitors 5 points and SO ON
This award is for puppies aged between 3 months and 12 months of age which compete in such classes. In the case of a tie the award shall be decided as for the Ambassadorship.
Puppy Envoys are puppies who have scored SIX or more points in this section.
The Puppy Ambassador does not count towards the breeder, sire or dam awards.
The Klumbaland Puppy Perpetual Trophy was offered by Klumbaland Kennels and will be maintained by ………….
Starting with the 1997 Australasian CLUMBERS Awards there will be a trophy for the Most Consistent Interbreed Winner. Miss Robbie Carnegie has kindly offered this trophy which will be known as the Ch Erinveine Regal award in recognition of all the fun she had with him in the ring! The Most Consistent still needs the 6 shows to qualify. It is calculated as number of shows where a group &/or show award won over total number of shows attended. So the easiest way to calculate is to look at number of shows with Ambassador or envoy points divided by total number of shows attended. In the case of a tie, then the dog who has won at more championship shows is the winner. =