This is an in-depth look at presenting your Clumber at his best in the show ring.
Emphasis is on showing in Australia, New Zealand, UK, and Europe
Richly illustrated with detailed supporting text and examples.
available from
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Sample pages

Chapter 1
Let’s show ’em! 11
The concept behind this book 12
Chapter 2
Moving: the straight line 15
The straight line is important! 17
Drive 19
Chapter 3
Moving: Through Corners 25
Chapter 4
180 degree turn;
the out and back 31
More turn about options 35
Turnabout on mats 36
Right-hand Heeling 37
Out and back together 38
Chapter 5
Moving: The Stop Point 39
The moving judge 42
Chapter 6
Gaiting: speed 45
On the day 45
How fast? 46
Not all Clumbers are created the same 47
Chapter 7
Stand! 49
Chapter 8
The Show Stand: Needs to be good 53
Is your dog ready for the show ring? 56
A beautiful pose from all points of the compass 57
Chapter 9
Stand: The Stack 59
Skills you need 60
Understand the profile/silhouette 60
Quiet reassurance 61
Where to place your hands and body 61
How to use your hands 61
What senses you can engage to help you 63
How to stack 63
Let me run through this again … 70
Other stacking options 74
Places to handle limbs to position them 74
Finishing notes 76
Chapter 10
Stand: Free stand 79
Look Mum, no hands! 79
Teaching the free stand 85
The free stand for examination 88
Chapter 11
Stand: the tail 93
Chapter 12
Stand: Finessing 99
Chapter 13
Transition from stand to gait 103
Chapter 14
Leads 105
How tight should the lead be? 105
How tight do I clasp the lead? 107
Where to place the lead on the dog 109
Your goal 109
If the lead is longer than you actually need 110
The stand 110
Lead colour 110
Head collar type leads 111
Chapter 15
Background clutter 113
Chapter 16
Coat health and grooming 119
Coat 120
Ensure your dog is clean and coat is knot free 121
Shampooing 121
Washing 122
Grooming Tools 124
Trimming 125
Out of alignment 126
Trimming to effect 128
Chapter 17
Being prepared 133
Expect the unlikely and unexpected 139
Chapter 18
Stay safe 143
Chapter 19
Life Fit 147
Make sure your dog is physically fit and conditioned 147
Gym work 147
Important! 148
Proprioception 148
Stretching 150
Overall lifestyle 151
Further Fitness Reading and Viewing. 152
Chapter 20
Gaiting: fixes 153
The Straight Lines 153
ISSUE: If the dog’s head turns towards me 153
ISSUE: The dog is gaiting with his hindquarters away from me, so appears to be travelling at an angle with head in towards me 153
ISSUE: Dog travels with his forehand away from you and the tail end closer to you 155
Corners and Turns 158
ISSUE: Leaning in on left turn corners 158
ISSUE: Swinging wide on turns 158
ISSUE: Completing a turnabout me or about the dog on a running mat 159
ISSUE: The dog often shakes his head when we are gaiting 159
ISSUE: Topline sagging on the move 160
Chapter 21
Speed: fixes 161
Too fast 161
ISSUE: Too Fast – within the ring 161
Too Fast, anywhere,
with training and
experience 162
Too Slow 165
ISSUE: Sluggish, dragging, head hung – within the ring 165
Too Slow, anywhere,
with training and experience 166
Chapter 22
Stand: fixes 167
ISSUE: Constantly breaks away from the stand 167
ISSUE: A-framing or rocking horse stance 167
ISSUE: The croup higher than withers (raking) or a sway in the topline 168
Chapter 23
Sharing the joy 169
Photos 169
Focus 170
Crop 170
Rotate 170
Exposure 170
Colour Temperature 170
Words 171
Closing thoughts 172
Excellent resources 173
Naming this book 174
The author 175
Featured stars 176