all images and artworks are fully protected by copyright and all rights are reserved – you cannot use these images without the copyright holder’s written permission
title: Clumber Play study one
original art by Jan Irving
the story of this painting: this is my donation to CSCA’s Rescue and Placement Fundraising Auction for 2019, the pups featured were bred by me some years ago, and lived full and happy lives with their original purchasers. Not all puppies are that lucky.
item completed: 20-03-2019
item size: 310mm wide x 230mm high
materials used: Arches Hot Press, M Grahams watercolor, M Grahams gouache
original available: n (please note if this says Y the original may already be sold but I haven’t updated this page) . Originals are supplied flat, unmounted/unmatted, and not framed, because glass will more often then not break in transit, and it allows you to best match your own decor
image is available on various items at
* Redbubble