Book Review
By Gail C. Parker
Dog Show Judging The Good,the Bad, and the Ugly
by Chris Walkowicz
What an interesting book!! Even for someone who has no intention of judging, this book is a must-read! It gives judges (and those who want to become judges) all sorts of helpful ideas, hints, and “what ifs” . It also helps the person showing TO the judge learn how to help him/herself and the judge. Many of the subjects are good advice for handlers as well-the part about how to show and judge if you are being televised for instance. There are questions you may be asked and some you should ask that are included in the book. There are tips on travel, making charts of your past shows for future use and so much more. Then, in the last chapter, Ms. Walkowicz shares what she calls her “War Stories”. These are a fun read and worth the price of the book alone. Be sure to find out what happens to the chandelier in a certain hotel (nope, I’m not telling but I’m still laughing!)
This book would be a great gift for anyone: exhibitor, judge, or even spectator. If you don’t show but like to attend the dog shows, wouldn’t you like to know more about what is going on? I know I would and now, after reading this book, I do!
Dogwise Publishing is the publisher. They have many fine books available. is the web site and 1-800-776-2665 is the phone number.
NB: Ms Walkowicz is known for her German Shepherds and Bearded Collies -in conformation, breeding and performance classes! She is a famous author. As a dog show judge, she has judged shows not only in the United States but in other countries. She can write about this topic from all aspects.
This would be a wonderful gift for anyone who is “in dogs” .