by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 113: MARCH 2009, PHOTOS NEED TO BE ADDED
Sub-titled The New Judge’s Guide to Dog Showing and the Showring, this book has so much potential and while it does supply a heck of a lot on information I feel it fails it own objectives by the sometimes a scanty approach to topics, sometimes by harping on a...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 113: MARCH 2009, PHOTOS NEED TO BE ADDED
A reasonably slim volume, Ronchette runs a training business and shows her own dogs. She is an advocate for ‘positive training’ and uses a clicker – so if you need to see how these ideas and tools can work for the show dog, this is the title for you....
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | Clumber breed type, judging, etc, ISSUE 113: MARCH 2009, ISSUE 50
written and prepared by the author for the Third World Symposium on Clumber Spaniels, Sweden, May 1993 A videotape (20 minutes) was made at the time and was available through the Swedish Club and Erinrac Enterprises The article was published in Clumbers Celebrated...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 113: MARCH 2009
he famous auction house Bonhams again held their massive dog art auction timed to coincide with Westminster. And, yet again, the auction offered a number of lovely Clumber Spaniel Pieces. This year paintings by Hyland and Wardle were auctioned and sold, while the...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 113: MARCH 2009
A STUDY OF A DIRECT LINE OF DESCENT Jan Irving With Bailie Friar as my first example, I will take us through a fascinating history of the Clumber Spaniel. By turning to historical records we can learn so much about our breed. No true breeder can afford to ignore the...