by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
2012 Crufts has made major headline news for Clumbers around the world with the issuing of a ‘fail’ health certificate for the Best of Breed which meant this famous and very successful bitch was unable to compete for Best in Group. Video of...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
I recently surveyed Facebook users for ideas on articles – and the following series is in planning. If you would like to contribute or suggest other topics, please contact me. ~ information on choosing a stud dog ~ information on toe nail cutting ~ information...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
MASTER CLASS WITH CHAMPION DOG TRAINER DAVID LISETT AT BUCCLEUCH KENNELS It was a normal working day back in March 2010 when my mobile rang about mid-morning. �This is the Shooting Times; do you remember entering a competition back in October to do with Chudleys dog...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Finland again hosts a Clumber club, contact details are: MEMBERS, SECRETARY, WEB MASTER Nora Rajala Karinkuja 5 13210 H�meenlinna PUPPY INFORMATION Katja Lehtonen Huittulantie 328 37700 S��ksm�ki Further committee...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Here are some webinars and like resources that should interest breeders and owners. ASAP LABS Webinar Programme 2012 All webinars will be recorded and available on the company’s website for future...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
As early as January this year, I was becoming particularly perplexed by how the world viewed the Clumber breed, and that is the reason for writing this article. Of course, March has been since then, and all the clamour of the withholding of the Best of Breed award...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Members of The Working Clumber Society (WCSS) had success at Crufts this year. With a lot of very good looking Clumbers from all over the world, Jackie Crawford with Xon, Margret Hughes with Aoife and Heather Myers with Cloud along with Chris and Carol Page, Jan...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Had an alert about the auction of two chairs which had belonged to one of the Dukes of Newcastle, out of my price range but what an interesting collecting pieces these would have made – the lot was passed in. His Grace The Duke of Newcastle’s...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Cloud is my first Clumber and this came about in a very spontaneous way I went to get my Springer Spaniel bitch covered by a stud dog from Essex in May 2006 and while I was there I caught sight of a gorgeous Clumber spaniel Molly. I had seen some at the game fairs...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | Indepth Breeding Notes, ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Breeders often talk about inbreeding and outcrossing as though they were the only possibilities — and generally with negative comments about the latter. There are other possibilities, and I have long been a proponent of assortative mating. It is not a...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
A bit of an eclectic selection this time – rather proves I have not filed or sorted many recent and not so recent acquisitions! This promo pin from CSCA 2005 National, I actually bought at a fundraising online auction for Clumber Spaniel League Victoria, as part...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
oooops, I had this for issue 125 but didn’t actually ‘publish’ it; so everyone will see it, I will move it to issue 126! So what’s it like living with Clumbers? Naturally I can speak only from personal experience, but I have lived with two to...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Editor: Part of the long ladder to field trialing, in the United Kingdom, is the participation in Working Tests, which are a valuable assessment of how training is progressing and the dog’s aptitude. Our special thanks to Graham Constable for bringing these...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
I know, last issue, I was musing over when I would find time to get the two new books out – but it rained, rained, and then rained a bit more, so I found time to do computing! I only have a few more illustrations to sort out for The 5Cs, and having chosen and...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
Eileen Sutherland attended Crufts 2012 and has added the new photo book to her range of great records of this event at, see
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
New limited edition print just received. New to me anyway – actually done in 2007. Waiting Game. 16 x 10 limited edition of 150 copies, signed with certificate of authenticity. Long lasting pigment based inks on heavyweight, acid free, watercolour paper. Dog...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
APRIL 27 – MAY 5, 2013 The Clumber Spaniel Club of America is coming to Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, with hunting to begin April 27 and many other events leading up to the national specialty on May 2, a regional specialty on May 3 and nearby trailer shows May 4-5....
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
A moment of true love, from the albums of Marija Vojnovic – Cutti Do Meco – Mima when she was little!
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
The world is, fortunately for the sake of the future of this breed, host to many, many dedicated breeders and owners. Very few in the modern western world have time or space, or funds, to operate a kennel of any real size so steps forwards in re-establishing or...
by Jan Irving | 10 Apr 2017 | ISSUE 126 JUNE 2012
EDITORIAL 2012 JUNE CLUMBERS by Jan Irving Well, with the buzz around Crufts, I actually penned the next line in March – fancy doing an editorial for a June issue in March! Subscribers now have access to some news from Crufts, the video interview with the Best...